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Understanding Homeschooling

It’s interesting the stigmas, misconceptions, and misunderstandings people have about homeschooling and homeschool kids. A friend was just talking to me about the recent school shootings, threats, and violence. She said, “Before this is all over, they will have a lot more kids being homeschooled.” I said rather tongue-in-cheek, “That is probably true.” But then […]

Stop The Noise

For what it’s worth, my family and friends consist of all different races, beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, backgrounds, nationalities, opinions, political stances, pros and cons, interests, and abilities. Note that I still called them family and friends. My relationship with them isn’t defined by those things, but rather a common respect and recognition that we […]

The Bible, Then And Now

Have you ever wondered if the Bibles we have today are based on reliable texts, or if perhaps the original writings (called “autographs”) were changed over the years? Are they forever lost? These questions get raised quite often and are important to think about. Here’s some information for you to consider that I thought might help address that issue. Manuscript […]

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